Waiting for Sunrise features Lysander Rief whose dual Austrian/British citizenship and his training as an actor provide him with skills that prove useful to the British army during World War I – whether or not Lysander wants to employ his skills thusly is beside the point. British diplomats help him out of a dicey situation in Vienna; now in their debt he must repay them by undertaking a series of dangerous jobs for which he is uniquely suited but not particularly enthusiastic. I liked this spin on the “jaded spy” character who gains the upper hand over his puppetmasters. Lysander is not so much jaded as just disinclined; he does his duty mostly because he knows he is over a barrel and if he can screw with his handlers along the way, so much the better. And I always love it when help comes from unexpected quarters – in this case from Lysander’s eccentric retired uncle Hamo (hero of the Boer war), who proves he’s still a crack shot when Lysander needs him most.
(Book 18, 2012)
I enjoyed this as a 'jolly good read' but I didn't think it was one of Boyd's better books. It didn't ask enough of me as a reader. I expect to have to think more when I pick up one of his books.
I like that "not so much jaded as just disinclined." That's a nice distinction. WWI is right before the era I write about, but the more I read about that war, the more it seems that it was uniquely devastating not only to world peace, but also to peace of mind.
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