I’ll start with a quick synopsis: In Los Angeles, Violet, a mid-30’s former TV writer, new mother, and wife to David (rich, self-absorbed, and clueless), falls for Teddy, an all-round bad sort. Meanwhile, Violet’s sister-in-law Sally embarks on an ill-conceived quest to marry Jeremy (also rich, self-absorbed and clueless, but for different reasons). Trouble ensues. Everyone is forced to examine what is really important in their lives. End of story.
Semple avoids the worst of the Hollywood-novel clichés. It’s a character-driven story and the shopping and real estate are pretty peripheral, if not completely absent. Characters have backgrounds and depth, and are not from central casting. In a departure from what I expected, Semple bravely makes Teddy a truly loathsome character, forcing us to ponder what is really motivating Violet.
Maria Semple’s publicist contacted me about this book, then Maria and I e-mailed about it and I was sent a free copy. At first I was a bit wary, not being much of a fan of books set in Hollywood. But I enjoyed this. Sometimes it’s good to read stuff that is out of your normal comfort zone. I can’t read about WWII all the time.
(Book 22, 2010)
I felt the same way about the book before reading, but was pleasantly surprised, too!
I really struggled with this one. I felt for Violet--she had everything she thought she wanted and it turned out not to be what she needed. But I could not understand the attraction to Teddy and without being able to buy into that, the whole premise fell apart for me.
Lisa, I think if Teddy had been more likable this book would have been more like standard chick lit. I was glad Semple didn't take that easier route.
I do agree with what you say about reading outside your comfort zone. That's why I stick with my book group - they select books that are usually outside my radar.
Hi... Just letting you know I am linking an old post you did in 2006 on my blog. Thanx.
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